Monday 25 March 2013


Ever wondered what cool sciencey stuff they are teaching undergraduates at the University of Queensland?
 Every school day I will post my newly learned cool fact... Enjoy 




In the 1930’s and 1940’s antibiotics hit the market.

Inspired from research on a mold called Penicillium, scientists were able to develop a group of drugs that could attack and destroy bacterial infections.

As World War II broke like a storm across Europe, millions who were injured were saved by the invention.
The scientists involved were awarded the Nobel Prize and the world declared the war on bacteria won and over…

Or so we thought, for a decade or two.

Very quickly a bacterium commonly known as Golden Staff developed antibacterial drug resistance and the problem spread.

Areas where heavy use of antibiotics was present (like hospitals) were not only especially vulnerable but also extremely likely to have the resistant drug present.

Scientists began to voice alarm.
People were feeding cattle and sheep feed that was laced with antibiotics.
Doctors were prescribing extremely powerful antibiotics for mild infections and even in some cases viral infections.

Misuse was rampant. People self-diagnosing, not fulfilling regimes… problems were growing.

Rules were instated.

    The first rule of antibiotics is try not to use them, and the second rule is try not to use too many of them.
    —Paul L. Marino, The ICU Book

By killing bacteria that were vulnerable to antibiotics we were destroying the genetic variants that were susceptible.
As such we were also breeding a race of super bugs that could not be stopped.

The situation here in Queensland Australia has been decided to be so serious that for access to the most powerful of drugs, for both treatment and research, we have must have permission from the state department.

The surgeon general of the UK was several weeks ago citing anti-bacterial resistance as a leading concern for the world. Along with international terrorism and climate change!!
This is extremely serious!

The greatest fear comes from the void that exists in our research program.

Pharmacy companies are funnelling money away from antibacterial research.

 It can cost billions of dollars to get a product to shelf in today’s world of complex research and high standards. There simply isn’t value for money doing antibiotics. If a patient has a heart complaint then a drug that can fix him will be used for the rest of his life. With antibiotics, bacteria can change so quickly and develop resistance so swiftly that to get ten years of shelf life from one product is very fortunate indeed.

We need to immediately focus research onto this problem or within the next decade or two we could find antibacterial resistant infections the norm and not the exception.

It would be a world back to the 19th century of medicine.

A place were surgery was practically impossible and a procedure as simple as wisdom teeth removal would be life threatening.

Scary ha?

Friday 22 March 2013





This process is some complex stuff to lay down onto my loyal audience on a Friday Afternoon.

But once you can wrap you head around it, and/or just accept that this actually happens…

You can start to see how amazingly cool it is.

So as we learned yesterday

That your DNA code translates into mRNA
mRNA takes the sequences of DNA and copies the opposite.
Say a DNA strand that reads        3’-ATCGATGTTC…-5’
And translates it into the opposite which is
Three of these codes translate into different proteins
So in      5’-UAGCUACAAU…-3’
UAG – is 1 protein
CUA – is another
CAA – is another and so on…

It does this in a process called Translation
mRNA is like a computer tape.

It flows out of the nucleus into the cell. Proteins then attach to it and start to read it.

These proteins then pump out other proteins constructed from the instructions on the tape for to the rest of our body.


Its too much for me to explain on a Friday

Watch this video and be amazed. Have a great weekend ya’ll!

Thursday 21 March 2013





Sickle Cell Disease is a condition where the genetic code that codes for haemoglobin has been mutated and created a protein that no longer works properly. It is a fantastic example of how humans have evolved in response to the environment.

there is a cool diagram below the writing if you cant be bothered reading it, plus interesting stuff below that,

Let me explain.


DNA is split into codes A, T, G or C

DNA code translates into mRNA

mRNA takes the sequences of DNA and copies the opposite.

Say a DNA strand that reads         


And translates it into the opposite which is

(Except for A-T, becomes A-U)


Three of these codes translate into different proteins

So in      5’-UAGCUACAAU…-3’

UAG – is 1 protein

CUA – is another

CAA – is another and so on…

DNA being used as a source 'code' to build Proteins

Please dont ask me how transcription works... that is just heavy!


Sickle Cells Disease is when these codes come out wrong, when the cell is making Haemoglobin.

Haemoglobin, (a huge protein made out of many smaller proteins) lives inside red blood cells and moves Oxygen (O2) all over the body.
The cell makes the proteins and then puts them together. 

But, in Sickle Cell proteins, one of the letters is wrong and the wrong protein is put into the Haemoglobin
They malfunction and can kill the person they are in!

Cells Affected by Sickle Cell Disease on Right
But the occurrence of sickle cell disease is really common in certain areas.

Sickle Cell Disease Distribution

These areas are also where a disease called Malaria is often found.

Malaria Distribution

Indeed, Sickle Cell disease is an evolutionary trait that has bread into humans in these parts of the world.

 The Malaria Parasite can not reproduce properly in individuals with the condition.
It usually protects the hosts long enough for them to reproduce, and pass on their genetic code. 

Yet it condemns the older population to a high chance of developing a painful genetic disease related death.

This presents researches with a two pronged challenge. 

We need to be able to eliminate Malaria, and then after that be able to remove this genetic ‘defect’.

This also shows that not all evolutionary pressures are good. Indeed, some can make us more vulnerable and weaker. 

This is just another reason to hate mosquitoes

Wednesday 20 March 2013


Ever wondered what cool sciencey stuff they are teaching undergraduates at the University of Queensland?
 Every school day I will post my newly learned cool fact... Enjoy  




 Kary Banks Mullins is an interesting man and an amazing advocate of recreational cannabis use.


As well as being a user of LSD, Cannabis and a myriad of other illicit substances, he was instrumental in the design of a process known as PCR.

PCR in all its complex glory

Polymerise Chain Reaction, aka PCR, is a process where small parts of DNA are synthesised into long chains.

From only very small fragments, you can use PCR to create huge exact quantities of the original DNA.
This invention is massive.

It allowed the police to use DNA as everyone would has seen on all of those cop TV shows.

It allowed many different branches of science to grow exponentially. Ranging from archaeology genetic analysis, through to Genome sequencing.

Mullins won the Nobel Prize in a record short period of time and his invention has been involved in many famous circumstances ranging from almost presidential impeachments to sci fi movies about the return of dinosaurs to planet earth.

Mullins is obviously a brilliant man.

Yet he continues to flaunt his illicit drug use.


He has also stirred up trouble by speaking about alien abductions, astrology, AIDS denialism and Global Warming fraud.

Although if the consequences is having a few skewed views on reality, while your being creative enough to produce something like PCR for the world,

Then hell… 

Perhaps we should all light up a doobie.